Pay Per Post
is a good avenue for bloggers to earn extra money for writing blogs that are relevant to the topic given. Payment is to a Paypal account upon approval of the blog you have wrote, articles vary in cost form $5 and upwards...If your wondering how to write an article i have listed 5 simple steps... Me? write an article? You’ve got to be kidding! How could I? Its impossible!
Is this your reaction at the thought of writing an article? If it is, you are not alone. Articles sound they need to be written by noted professionals. Don’t be fooled, it really is not true. As long as you are comfortable with what you are writing about, there is no reason for you not to write your experiences and opinions. Article writing is not that hard.
Let’s get started…
Step 1
Figure out *what* you want to write about.
Find out what your readers are interested in. Research key words and phrases that are frequently searched for. If you use these, the chances that your article will be searched for will be that much higher.
There are various formats that you could try:
- Tips : a list of several tips on a topic. Write a few sentences of explanation for each tip.
- Tutorial : a ‘how to’ for your readers (something like this post). This is better for those who have a good grounding in the topic they are writing about.
- Resources : compile resources that your audience may like to know about. (this is a harder way to gain traffic as its less personal)
Step 2
*Structure* your content
Although there are some writers that just sit down at their desks and write, this strategy does not work for most of us. It frequently results in confusing and unfocused articles.
Take the time to sit down and write down your main points. Figure out what should come first and what you should end with. Work out what you want to write for your introduction and your conclusion.
The introduction should set the stage for the rest of the article. Something that either describes what you are planning to achieve or something that captures your reader’s attention and curiosity.
The conclusion should draw all the various points together into a cohesive whole.
Step 3
*Create* a powerful headline
A title that is a question or begins with “how to” usually has a better response than headlines that do not.
Step 4
Add the ‘meat’ to your main points
Think of your your topic and main points of discussion as the skeleton of the article. Now, its time to layer on the meat and muscles. This is easy to do. Just add a few sentences to explain or give examples for each point.
You can choose to hire a ghostwriter to do the actual writing at this point however writing the article by yourself frequently results in more satisfaction. You may even be surprised that you’ll enjoy the process. Put aside your fears and hesitations…try it!
Step 5
*Resource box* - your traffic generator
You will need to formulate a resource box to add at the end of your article. It should include your name, a short description of yourself, a description of your business/website and a call to action (a reason to visit your link).
Finish these five steps and you’ll have written your very first article! Congratulations! It was easier than you expected wasn’t it? Use these steps again and again to write more articles and turbo boost your internet marketing efforts.
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